Wednesday, August 21, 2013

"Just Be A Grinkie Girl" Song Cover Contest

Grinkie Girls Photography and MnUps Magazine (Minnesota's Premier Pin Up Magazine) are teaming up for this epic contest.

Calling All Musicians!

Record your own version of the 'Just Be A Grinkie Girl' song for a chance to win an Artist Spotlight feature in MnUps Magazine. Videotape yourself performing your own rendition of the 'Just Be A Grinkie Girl' song. You have artist's license to take parts of the lyrics or melody and mix it up to suit your own style.

Upload your video to Yourtube and send us a link at no later than midnight on October 14th, 2013. We'll add it to our channel/playlist and the voting begins!

The video with the most "likes" wins! Contest ends at midnight on Friday, October 25th.

You can find the original video under our Videos tab at or on Youtube.

You can find the Sheet Music below.

Vocals & Piano - Page 1
Vocals & Piano - Page 2

Vocals & Piano - Page 3

Friday, August 16, 2013

Dashboards & Diners

Top 5 ways to Have Fun at 
The Grinkie Girls Photography
Dashboard & Diners Mini Session
by Anne Ripka-Payment

1. Get Tiki-Tastic

2. Rev It Up in a  1937 Ford Coup

3. Be Diner-licious


Fill' Er Up Retro-tagious Gas Station





5. Save the
Best for Last
at The Arbor~

Mark your Calendars September 4, 2013 from 10-5pm! Grab a Gal-Pal and Guarantee Your Reserved Spot by Prepaying!

For More Information, Time Slots or Hair & Makeup Arrangements contact:

Nancy Kuledge • 763-232-4006 •