Saturday, April 20, 2013

Just Be A Grinkie Girl Music Video is Released Online

Local actress Anissa Lubbers has been a Grinkie Girl from the beginning. Last fall, she had the brilliant idea for a song, and wrote "Just Be A Grinkie Girl" based on a Andrews Sister-esque three part harmony. She presented the idea for the song to Christi at a Grinkie Girl get together at Sebastian Joe's ice cream shop.

The idea flamed into a full blown video project, complete with professional musicians (The Vagabonds, Travis Anderson), competition swing dancers, a full production team, professional director (Leanne Montoya of Lulupalooza Productions) and a total budget of zero.

A total of just over 60 people came together to create a fabulous music video of "Just Be A Grinkie Girl".

This video is a collage from the World Premier of the video.

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