Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Something Different - Monster Maternity Pin Up

Written by Mike Potter (Team Grinkie)

Our little brussel sprout

"Its nice if you can do something to make yourself feel beautiful when you are not physically feeling your best."  -- Tara

Not to often do you find a women that is eight months pregnant posing for a pinup shoot. Even less often do women make it eight months into a pregnancy without telling everyone they know through Facebook. Tara Leiran decided she was going to be different. 

"No one on Facebook even knows I'm pregnant," said Tara. With a few of the monsters of Christopher Mihm's movie's in studio, Tara decided she was going to do the shoot and show all her friends and family the result. "It's nice to feel pretty when sometimes you don't," said Tara while she was looking at her pictures. Nothing could have been more fun for Tara, or anyone else in the room that day then poking fun at all the traditional pregnancy poses by doing them with a monster. 

Tara makes it look easy

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